Pitch dark, you’re in a car. The light from the light posts illuminates the interior. Yellow every 3 seconds. I’m hypnotized by the airbag logo in the lower corner of the dashboard. Can’t wait to get home, drink some water and take off this trousers. Your cousin, the one your age, the naughty one, is behind the wheel. I hope the sun does not come out.
by A Cousin
- ciganos del pombal
- la boda de mi primo
- Viajando de noche en coche
- Boggi Milano IN PURE SUPER - Traje - blue
- Autovia del Cantabrico
- Almeida y Urquijo
- otra vez la voz may
- El Intermedio - “La paga siempre la tengo recortada”
- Centro Social Catedral de Justo-Mensajeros de la Paz
- Macarena – Bayside Boys Remix
- 7a4f147528e4414d3f750c97910b0efe.jpeg
- Te meto un palo que t avio
- they’re killing the cow
- a-plastic-bottle