by Aimé Schikora
- Talk Talk London 1986 Full Concert (My father remembered them.)
- Poetic Realism (My lover got into Butoh last year and we found out that the founders were inspired by “Les enfants du paradis” by Marcel Carné. Jean Renoir “La règle du jeu” is another film of that era that is dear to me.)
- Kazuo Ohno - Performance
- Antrag auf Eintragung in das Wählerverzeichnis und Wahlscheinantrag für im Ausland lebende Deutsche
- Listening Session mit Marc Ribot
- Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series Demo, Part 1 („When we are offended, we forget how to forgive“ Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Cemetery of Splendour. Regular practise.)
- Carry Stress in the Jaw
- The REAL STORY behind KITKAT club – The Minds Behind E3 (Techno is inspired by the generation of Otto Muehl and Rainer Langhans. Some more exploitation. “Days Before Rodeo” to “Story of the Eye” Munich-Vienna)
- Adult movies on Letterboxd
- Therapiezentrum Ybbs