We are In Love with Links. On 06/07. and 10.—14.02.2025 (3—9pm) in the Rietveld Pavilion,
online here; and overall—forever.

The internet is links. But they are dying, and the internet is already said to be dead. Platforms arrived, transformed and ate the hyperlink, now so-called ‘AI’ is here to get the rest . Art won’t necessarily help, neither ‘innovation’. Until then, we share.

In Love with Links invites you to drink tea and share links. We index them with screenshots to capture a fragment of the internet’s history. The heart of our network are the lists ≡, collaborators curated to recommend or tell something. Screens ▢ in the space present rolling the network’s content. An overview of the growing link-archive can be seen and navigated with the rhizomatic visualisation, online and in the space. With hand-set connections, the links as well as stacks of internet-related books, provide the opportunity to browse without limits but within the network, and ILWL’s space and time. A complementary programming stages workshops, lectures and music.

By John Haag and Paul V. Schmidt with Philippine Talamona, Adama Keïta, Julian Borngräber, Marianne Therese Cadiz, Linda Moretti, A Cousin, Ye Eun Nam Koong, Martin Gius, Gervaise Alexis Savvias, Aimé Schikora, Sadie Nadine, Daniel Hüttler, Beatrice Cauda, Macarena Magana Villar, Hanako Emden, Sebastián Vásquez Cipriani, Cassandre Tornay, Carla Peters, Giselle Dahm, Manuel Sekou and Laura Oyuela.

Find the programming, the lists ≡ and screens ▢ below, and more by clicking on the links.


Alle events with open doors – just come by!


≡ Shoggoth
≡ Eat the Internet
≡ POP reality joke
≡ my (w)hole
≡ Larping Minimum wage
≡ halt and catch fire
≡ themoonsfavoritedaughter
≡ The ‚Venice‘ aspect of the internet has yet to be fully developed
≡ An Anthem
≡ shhhh dont tell ;)
≡ Assembler
≡ After Aaron, Alexandra and Anna – On Shadow Libraries
≡ Digital Hoarding
≡ how to teach your cat to publish a book in ten simple steps
≡ The border between the two isn’t all that clear
≡ Pitch dark  ≡ Morning Whispers
≡ No inbetween
≡ Last month I talked to my parents, fell through fever and some social fabric
≡ Carla’s Lost & Found
≡ Cunty
≡ The nonsense I surround myself with
≡ nostalgia TV 📺
≡ D.I.Y attack hopkin cover of avicii pitch meets skunks
≡ Trucks symphony
≡ Credit to who, and how?


▢ 1 — ▢ 2▢ 3 — ▢ 4▢ 5 — ▢ 6▢ 7 — ▢ 8

≡ Pavilion Visitor Entries

*say hello@inlovewithlinks.net

The software used to index the links is Obsidian, the content iss transformed into a website with Quartz.